Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Gospel Centred Life

Over the past few weeks, I have constantly been reminded and make aware of this astounding truth that we always seem to neglect or ignore. People get so busy and task oriented; Groups lose focus of the finish line and get caught up in the short term glory; False teachers full of lies infiltrating our society. All of these people, and all of us sometime or another, are blinded so that we can't see the importance of a gospel centred life.

What's so important about having a 'Gospel Centred Life'? This is what sets us apart as christians. We believe that God has already saved us through Jesus, and what we need to do is to put our faith in Jesus. Good works and good morals can get us so far, but the fact is that we're all sinners, and we alone cannot reach holiness without Jesus.

So... we've established that the only thing that can save our lives, for now and eternity, is Jesus, and His gospel of salvation. If Jesus really is the only way to save us, He definitely should be the most important thing in our lives. He should be what we strive for, what we model, what we tell others about and what we live by.

Grasp tightly and never let go of your gospel centred life. Don't let anything or anyone else surpass this way of living. And one day, you will hear "Well done, well done, good and faithful servant....."

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