Thursday, February 21, 2008

A New Year...

Its Feb already.... but my first real post for the year! Uni is less than a week away, and everything is already in full swing....

Resolutions and Goals for 2008:
  • get healthier and fitter
  • read more architectural journals and books
  • gain new work skills (for architecture and in general)
  • figure out where God wants me to serve
  • time manage better (less wasted time)
  • look after myself better mentally and spiritually

It looks like its going to be a big year from the outset... getting my undergrad in Architectural Design this year, and all the hard work university brings, and on top of that FiGS, RICE, and Worship roles... the year is pretty much already packed. But it really is an exciting year and I'm so happy I can be part of all these groups. Architecture is becoming more interesting than before, and I'm keen to learn more and understand more about buildings, form, function and design, and exploring the history of architecture. FiGS is very exciting yet sometimes can be a handful. Many changes and shifting this year, and it seems like a new beginning for the group. Being part of the leadership, there is a lot of responsibility and commitment, and a lot of background work has to be done to get FiGS working properly. Same with RICE... as it is the first time its being held in Brisbane. Very exciting ministry to work in and help organise.

Well, sounds like a busy year for me.... so I guess I'll launch into it now!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woooow you blogged :P

Yeah this year's going to super busy for you - good luck, don't kill yourself! And then you can be super fit and I'll die in badminton XD