September and October has been a pretty hectic month by itself, with post QCS symptoms, second semester major exams, QTAC preferences being due, FIGS camp, and tonnes of other stuff. Yet, people have still found space and time for romance, and its quite freaky because I've never seen as much of it in my life. Janny and big Harry... i mean Warren got married, I've been hanging around at uni and with friends...... and its the first time that I have seen so many of my friends going out. A certain couple also decided to deepen their relationship to marriage ( I won't name anyone at this point in time) and its pretty exciting to see them take this step, cos both these people are pretty awesome. And last but not least, everyone is going on (and I am too) about partners for the Senior Formal at school. I've had my fun by joking around with people, but when it gets to the real thing, it seems pretty nerve racking, especially when you have never really done anything like it before. And then theres all the stupid preparation of transport, suits, other accessories, doing hair, and WHAT IF WHOEVER YOU ASK SAYS NO!!! It sounds so embarassing and it feels like if they say no, it feels like you or the other person will never be friends. Oh well, I guess we guys have to cop the rejections and no's and move on in life :P Anyway, have to go.......