Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Walking the Tightrope

It feels like I'm walking the tightrope of life. I don't know what to expect. There are encouraging gusts of wind helping me along, the unbalancing and destructive winds which throw me back, and the surprising winds which I have no idea how to read them.

All in all I'm learning to trust God the best I can, knowing that he is intricately controlling ths tightrope and knows where it is going. Even if I get knocked down and stumble, I know that His loving hands are there to pick me up and put me back on track. He has a plan as good and better than what I ever imagined. He knows my thoughts and desires, and He wants the best for me. He is someone I can rely on. He is the creator, the sovereign ruler and our loving Father.

Walk the tightrope in life. Trust in God. He will make my path straight.

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