Monday, October 10, 2005

The Idea of North

On Saturday a few friends and I went to the Idea of North concert thingo at the Powerhouse. Me and E got there late (probably early for E) and we missed the first song... and i was buggered running through new farm park. Lucky we ran though, because Idea of North is such a good acapella group. I'm a music guru, and their live gigs sound so great, and their live songs sound a lot better than their already good studio recordings. They have a good balance since they have one bass, tenor, elto and soprano, and they can even vary who does which part... they are just brilliant! Not only are they good, they are funny! They do the most hilarious songs and add the funniest lines ever! There was this one where one guy was doing a solo and the rest were doing air guitars and stuff... the song was about this guy who likes to go to the pub and hook up with girls or something, and one time he was drunk or something and tried to ask the ugliest girl out, and she said NO. It's so funny... Also this other short song asking all these funny questions and ended in confusion from the question: what meat is in spam? They do really cool sounds in their songs too... its like controlled beat boxing and i so want to learn to do that!
After the concert we were sitting down and someone said we should start an acapella group too. It was dubbed by me 'The concept of South', and I am so taking the funny guy's part in this group! I can be the funny tenor :P It would be cool if we just did it for fun though... but I doubt it will happen.... there's still hope!


Jan said...

Does that mean the Malaysian Superstar days are over? *sob*

Ðes said...

so, went to a concert hey?
is the north group the group that we hear on cd on a car called gibby??? i cant remember the name of the car....

Anonymous said...

yes... gibby are good friends with northy. the driver aint too shabby mates with them either. ;)
