Monday, July 11, 2005


I was just wondering to myself how much friends mean to me, and i cannot really fathom where i'd be without my friends. I wouldnt say my family is very good at communication, especially when i have an older brother 11 years older than me, and parents at retirement age. We always get caught up in silly disputes, and i wouldnt say my relationship with my brother is good. I don't think i've had a conversation with him in my life. My parents are very old fashioned, and they are against technology (always find something bad to say about it) so i get chucked into stupid arguments. I get really depressed and fell quite lonely at home. I always wish that i could have someone to talk to, someone that really cared about me and could at least show it in some way. I wanted to find friends who i could relate to, play around with, and have fun with. Just seeing these type of people in my life puts a smile on my face.
Since about two years ago, its been getting better, one step at a time. i stumbled on a new group of friends at youth group, and all of them made me feel welcome. Some of them, whom i've become great friends with, have changed my life in massive proportions. This also impacted my school friends. I have found my true friends among my school friends. There may not be a lot of them, but its better than having a group of 'fake' friends.
Without this change in my life, i cannot really think where i'd be. Its a blessing to know that i have people who truly care for me and encourage me through the good and the bad times.
A smile on your face can almost bring tears of joy in my eyes.

1 comment:

vida said...

A random blogger passing by. "Old wine and friends improve with age." Hope you keep yours for a very long time!