Monday, June 28, 2010

Thought of the Day

Life is but a moment,
Every second's like a brand new day.
Love, friendships, people who make you who you are,
Tell them they matter, tell them today.
Don't put it off, busy not an excuse,
Time is short, one second, time could pass away.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Dignified Exit

Kevin Rudd...

One day PM, next day out...

Politics aside, I have sympathy for the man...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Interesting thoughts on the iPad...

The brilliance of the iPad is that it's the anytime-anywhere computer. On the subway. In the hall waiting for the elevator. In a car on the way to the airport. Any free moment becomes a potential iPad moment.

The iPhone can do roughly the same thing, but not exactly. Who wants to watch a movie in bed on an iPhone?

So why is this a problem? It sounds like I was super-productive. Every extra minute, I was either producing or consuming.

But something — more than just sleep, though that's critical too — is lost in the busyness. Something too valuable to lose.


Being bored is a precious thing, a state of mind we should pursue. Once boredom sets in, our minds begin to wander, looking for something exciting, something interesting to land on. And that's where creativity arises.

My best ideas come to me when I am unproductive. When I am running but not listening to my iPod. When I am sitting, doing nothing, waiting for someone. When I am lying in bed as my mind wanders before falling to sleep. These "wasted" moments, moments not filled with anything in particular, are vital.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

World Cup Fever: Day 3, 4, 5, 6 Summary

Venue: Home

Snacks Involved: V, Ice Break, Coffee (I'll tell you why later)

Games Watched: Aus vs Germany, Holland vs Denmark, Cameroon vs Japan, Portugal vs
Ivory Coast, Brazil vs North Korea, Spain vs Switzerland

Time Slept: 4am each night.....

Best Play: Germany demolishing Australia has been the most exciting game to watch so far...

Low Points: 1. the stupid horns
2. Cahill's red card
3. New Zealand scoring a goal
4. Spain's failure to score with 60+% possession and 22 shots on goal
5. Lack of sleep

Other Comments:

I don't know how I fitted in watching or listening to all these games while doing my design folio...

This is all I want to do now....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup Fever: Day 2

Venue: Ping Mao's Place, then at home

Snacks Involved: Cherios at midnight

Games Watched: South Korea vs Greece, Argentina vs Nigeria, a bit of England vs USA

Time Slept: 3am

Best Play: Watching the best player in the world, Lionel Messi (Argentina), on the ball and
mesmerising the Nigerian Defence (too bad he didn't score, but in that game, he by himself has more shots on target than every other whole team in the world cup so far)

Highlight: Park Ji Sung's goal celebration..... and beating Alice & Lisa in Scramble between the games

Low Point: Robert Green's blunder for USA to score

Other Comments:

My Saturday Night to Sunday Night-
6:30pm - Dinner @ Red Hut
9:00pm - Dessert @ Just Soy
10:00pm - World Cup @ Pings
1:00am - Home doing work and watching world cup
3:00am - Sleep
6:30am - Wake up
7:30am - 845 music practice
8:45am - Church
10:00am - 1030 music practice
10:30am - Church
1:00pm - Lunch @ Rasa Malaysia
3:00pm - Soccer @ Mansfield
6:00pm - Dinner at home
Now - Looking at my crazy list of work to do tonight......

Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup Fever: Day 1

Venue: Ping Mao's Place

Snacks Involved: Pizza, Softdrinks, Chocolate, Chicken Nuggets

Games Watched: South Africa Vs Mexico

Best Play: Shabalala's Goal...... what a strike placed at top corner to open the World Cup... unstoppable effort...

Highlight: Dilsy's head as the best footrest ever

Low Point: 37 year old players on the field (2 of them for Mexico) including the shortest goalkeeper ever!

Other Comments: Opening ceremony wasn't great, and the most entertaining part of the night was probably the pro evo game we played to warm up (Mexico vs RSA), Heard the France vs Uruguay game was pretty boring...

Monday, June 07, 2010

Battling Betrayal

Our lives are so busy, with so much happening, and so much taking our focus and time. One thing that really kicks the momentum out of something is an action called betrayal. It happens in our friendships, in our workplaces and in ministry. Betrayal happens when you put your trust and expectation to deliver in something or someone, and not only do they 'not fulfil' the task, but rather its like they turn their back and go against what was originally asked of them. It means to 'break trust'. Its almost like giving them your trust, and them just ripping it up and throwing your trust away.

Betrayal hurts in all situations, sometimes it can never be mended, especially if one or both parties do not show forgiveness and becomes hard-hearted over the situation.

Here are some ways I have thought of (in the past 30 minutes) that would help stop this potentially hurting situation from occurring:

1. Keep reminding yourself of the bigger picture. If someone is genuine, they are in a friendship/work/ministry situation where everyone believes in the common vision. Betrayal can occur when someone loses sight of this big vision, either through forgetfulness or being bogged down on smaller issues.

2. Be genuine and work with each other. Don't gossip to others about it, but deal with the issue directly with the person who is involved. Again, if both parties do have that common vision, then both parties should be willing to work with each other in order to stop betrayal from occurring.

3. Actively seek and show forgiveness. Betrayal can be something that one does not purposely intend to do, but for one reason or another, has escalated to that situation. Both parties have to be mature enough to 1. seek forgiveness in the 'betraying' party and 2. show forgiveness for the 'betrayed' party. If both do not occur, there will never be closure in the situation, and this can cause continued friction and distance.

Relationships with friends, workmates and co-workers in the Kingdom of God are fragile and not perfect by any means. Satan will always hone in and agitate these things to see how much damage he can cause. Lets fight against this on all fronts, by focusing on our common vision, being genuine and working with each other, and seeking/showing forgiveness to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Life is but a weaving...

My life is but a weaving, between my God and me,

I do not choose the colours, He worketh steadily.

Oft times he weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride

Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly,

Will God unroll the canvas, and explain the reasons why

The dark threads are as needful in the skilful weaver's hand

As threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.

He knows, He loves, He cares,

Nothing this truth can dim.

He gives His very best to those

Who leave the choice with Him.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Young vs Elderly

Young people should respect those older than them.

The older people should not look down on the young people.

It only works well when both sides are doing their bit...

In the meantime... keep plodding...

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Youtube Artists....

Been recently listening to some artists who have made it 'big' through youtube... this is a new one that got released a few days ago... Maybe you'll see me on youtube soon... :)