Well this week's tutorial was the finale! many points came out of our text and discussion like:
- one who tattoos himself is like a 2 year old
- one who tattoos himself is a criminal and a degenerate
- one who ornaments is trapped in the past and is also a 2 year old and a degenerate
- one who rids himself of ornament has proved mature and above society and its trends of fashion and ornament
- this is why architects supposedly all wear black so they use their creativity on their projects as opposed to ornamenting themselves
Also some points from other tutes:
- a demented hand made vase is worth more than the elegant machined vase
- a machine-made beautiful pearl necklace is nothing more than supporting slave labour
- imperfect but original is better than perfect and machined
- women support slave labour when they buy jewellry
- perfume was originally made so people could substitute it for having showers
Ok back to work =P